
             PROJECTING IDEAS              BUILTING DREAMS

Your need is our challenge !

Our Target Audience

  • Residential and Predial sector - Condominiums and houses that require maintenance, refit, enlargement, engeneer consulting for legalization before public angencies and/or fire brigade.
  • Business and Comercial sector - Companies, stores, shopping malls and commerce in general that require construction, refits, change of layout in alternative days and schedules not to interrupt the activities of the companies.
  • Industrial sector - Factories and industries that require maintenance, construction and refits in their scheduled stops.
  • Construction sector - Construction companies and incorporators that require direct labor and consulting about planning and management of works.
  • Environmental sector - Physical and legal persons that requires specialized labor in suppression, techinical pruning and planting of trees. Consulting and regularization of rural area and permanent preservation area.
  • People with special needs and elderly sector - People who need adaptations to get accessibility.

"It all started with the idea of being different, combining the needs of companies and people, affordable cost and tranquility to deliver a unique product in the way requested!"



It is to do more than just works and refits, it is to create a place for you to live, love and feel at home.

Always aiming for the full tranquility and satisfaction of our customers.



We have professionals from the most diverse areas of engineering:

Engineers of the areas: Civil, Electrical, Hydraulics, Agronomy, Environmental, Mechanics and Workplace Safety

Having thus the condition of surpassing the highest level of technical exigency.


Uns dos maiores erros que acontecem em obras e reformas é a falta de profissionais qualificados e focados no projeto, A Anexar trabalha com gestão personalizada, onde desde o inicio até o termino dos trabalhos o nosso cliente pode contar com engenheiros qualificados para supervisão de cada etapa.


Todos os nossos trabalhos desde o menor até o maior, obrigatoriamente geram planejamento, cronogramas e projetos que são aprovados previamente pelo nosso cliente.

Assim diminuimos a probabilidade de  qualquer tipo de erros e dificuldades durante a execução.  


A Anexar conta com uma estrutura descentralizada; isso para evitarmos custos fixos e assim proporcionando melhoria no repasse dos preços aos nossos Clientes


Umas de nossas primissas é não induzir nosso cliente e sim lapidar as ideias de forma que se torne algo viavel e com a utilidade desejada. 


Uns dos pilares mais importantes de nossa empresa é a entrega do projeto no prazo contratado, isso para satisfação de nosso cliente e para não gerar custos imprevistos para ambas as partes